vAPI - Vulnerable Adversely Programmed Interface

vAPI (Vulnerable Adversely Programmed Interface) is an open-source PHP-based lab that you can use to see OWASP API Security Top 10 vulnerabilities in action. You can set it up yourself, or use a Docker image. There is also a Postman collection file documenting the API calls.

XForwardy - Host Header Injection Scanner

XForwardy is a Host Header Injection scanning tool which can detect misconfigurations , where Host Header Injections are potentially possible. It also checks for CORS Misconfig in a URL.

CTF Platform

A skeletal for hosting Capture The Flag competitions. Contains 10 challenges,Scoreboard,Rank Change sound alert etc.

Student Library - YCCE

Students can Check Study Resources Online, Download and Share it.Keep a tab on important notices.

Attendance System

A small php project to automate the tedious task of taking attendance in colleges and make this task easier.